Trucks at Tracks | Transporters Make Motorsport Happen

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Over the past week, we’ve looked into the story behind Peter Brock’s one-off Aeroliner concept for the Ford Louisville prime mover of the early nineties

Image: Mark Carlyon

To cut a long story short, Brock applied his knowledge of race cars and aerodynamics to create a slipperier bodywork package for the truck that hauled his Mobil-1-backed Ford Sierra around Australia.

Despite weighing up whether to commercialise the revised Ford Louisville aerodynamics through the Ford Motor Company, its dealers or as a standalone aftermarket offering, the package never made it into full-scale production. Soon after, Brock returned to Holden and his idea to refine body kits for other “aerodynamic disasters” hauling freight on roads across the country was shelved.

With help from our followers supported by a couple of emails, we confirmed that when Brock moved back to the General Motors-Holden camp, the one-off Louisville worked the roads of Western Victoria for Kalari in the early '90s. From there, it was owned by M&C Carlyon Transport in Warburton and a source on the Old Wharf Trucks Facebook group suggests that it may have even had a stint on the other side of Bass Strait in more recent times.

Mark Carlyon pointed us to the fact that the truck is now resting in a backyard in Biggenden, Queensland. It looks to be missing some of the bodywork modifications applied by Brock including the unique mirrors and side panels. And our brief correspondence with the owner has confirmed that the truck is on the market, albeit there is no formal online listing as this article is published. We will provide an update if a new listing appears.

It looks to be in need of some tender love and care and would require quite a bit of work to be restored to Brock Aeroliner concept form. Nevertheless, how often do you have access to a piece of Peter Brock history?

A huge thank you to our followers for pitching in during our Brock Aeroliner search. Of course, if you have any further information, we would love to hear from you on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.